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ONLINE making-sweetness

It's just me, myself & I.

My name is Ecya Nazrey and I'm 18teen this year.my bornday is 10Jan,im study at politeknik melaka as accountancy student.

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Layout coded by Syarifah Erma.
Resources taken from Shabby Princess, Making-Sweetness, Red--Roses, Tiffcali, luvvaaronBb (private Photobucket album).
Online hit counter taken from Free Online Users.
Layout fully coded by me. I didn't use basecodes, just code references.

making-sweetness haha bie , sayang kau !
February 24, 2011 making-sweetness Back to the top

bie . . aku takley tdo dho bila kau cakap kau jadi datang sini . kau naik angah ngn kq eda kann . tak sabar sangat nihh :)) bie . thx taw . kau susah payah nak dtg sini jugaa . aku tawuuu :( . .  sebab aku nak jumpa kau sangat . kau sanggup kann . hmm . bie t kau naik angah kau jangan ngumpat aku pulak taww . kau suka mcam tuhh . t cakap aku degil la ape la kat angah and kaq eda . taw taww . lau dowang ngumpat aku pon kau jangan caye la taw . hhaa bie . sumpah aku excited walau da manyak kalii aku jumpe kauuu . :)) tak sabarrrrr ! thx bie . t aku pula pergi jaybee okayy kite jumpe kat sane kayy . ibu da janji daa bile adeq sehat ibu nak bwak akuuu . kau tunggu taw . lau kau tade ponn aku nak jumpe mama jugaa . (mama b) peace . aku sayang kau gila bie ,. 

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