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ONLINE making-sweetness

It's just me, myself & I.

My name is Ecya Nazrey and I'm 18teen this year.my bornday is 10Jan,im study at politeknik melaka as accountancy student.

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This skin was dearly made by...

Layout coded by Syarifah Erma.
Resources taken from Shabby Princess, Making-Sweetness, Red--Roses, Tiffcali, luvvaaronBb (private Photobucket album).
Online hit counter taken from Free Online Users.
Layout fully coded by me. I didn't use basecodes, just code references.

making-sweetness thx kaqlong :)
April 1, 2011 making-sweetness Back to the top

okayyy rabu: disebabkan tersangatlah letih dala tggu kqngah tak amekamek . skali tgk tgk kqlong ngan bie amek sayee . huarghhh ! agak terperanjat , and thx sangatsangat! ahhaha

antara gambar kami . ops sory act post nih dalam keadaan yang agak mengantuk so pahampaham la kayy . :)

:) tyme cari hantaran untuk kaqngah , penat letih sume ada 

aku buruk kan ? aku tawu ignore muke aku 
aku pendek ? yea aku tawu :(

hari yang sama , dekat kampung jawa ;)

kenapa orang selalu cakap kiteorang adeq bradik ?

kenapa muke aku macam tuhh :(

kenapa tangan aku lagi itam ? da memang dari azali tangan aku hitam .lagipun tengoklah kedudukan tangan uhh . bukan masalah kau kan kan . ty yeaa

making-sweetness POSTED BY [name] AT 9:31 AM | 0 Comments

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